Saturday, January 11, 2014


When I went to feed tonight Bob didn't come out to eat.  He was lying down in one of the grain bins (14' diameter, very small door, but at least dry inside and with good footing - if it wasn't for that I don't think this would have ended as well).  He couldn't get up.  We tried pulling and pushing, and he tried hard too, and was breathing pretty heavily.  I don't know what I would have done without John's help.  We finally got him up with me hauling on his halter and John hauling on a butt rope.  I took him to the barn and bedded him down with feed and water.  There's no sign that he's sick or colicky, he just couldn't get up.  I hope he doesn't continue this way.  I'll know more in the morning, but for now I'm so glad this wasn't his final night!  I can't tell you how physically and emotionally difficult it is to try to get a huge animal up on a dark and stormy night.  Good old Bob.  I think these donkeys are a little piece of heaven, all full of love.  What a gift they are.

1 comment:

  1. Bob is so lucky to have you to love and care for him in his old age.
