Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bob's doing well this morning.

Bob was able to get up by himself this morning, although it was a little difficult.  He's had a vet exam and we looked at his bloodwork.  Overall he looks pretty good.  We're going to treat it like arthritis and see if he improves.  I hope that's all it is!  Wouldn't that be wonderful!


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Glad he's doing better and hope he continues to do well.

  2. Oh boy, I;ll bet that was rough. Just saw these posts tonight. I am so glad he is up and doing better.

  3. I am so glad to hear that Bob is doing better. I sure hope he does well with just some pain meds!

  4. Good news!! I treat my gelding's arthritis with a glucosamine supplement and it actually works. Keep us posted on Bob!
