Thursday, March 12, 2015

Two Good Rides

Yesterday I saddled Scout up and we rode for a about 40 minutes. He is so lazy. He always has been, but I suppose being sick recently doesn't help. He had bus-stop syndrome and kept trying to take me back to the mounting block and ask, "Hey, isn't this your stop?" Going up our big hill was more work for me than it was for him. I wasn't sure we were going to make it, but we did. 

I decided to take Bella for a walk and the boys sure did get some exercise! What a couple of dorks. The galloped and reared and played bitey-face until they were soaked with sweat. So I guess the way to get Scout back in shape is to take Bella for walks. :)

Not the best picture, but here they are, complete with dust cloud:

After taking a break to do some housework, I couldn't stand it, I had to saddle Bella up. She hasn't worn a saddle since Easter, but I can't remember if that was last year or the year before. Anyway, she is a wonder. I don't know many horses that you can hop on and ride in a halter after so much time off.  Especially horses that were once wild and have limited training. But it was hard on her. I think her lameness is worse. And of course she's fat and out of shape.

This is her, "Can I have a treat?" face. She's so cute and sweet.

I spent some time with Luc also. Took him out of the pasture to eat some alfalfa (he's thinnish) and then his attitude left a lot to be desired so we did some slow circles with direction changes and a fair amount of backing out of my space and standing there. Then we had some quiet time. I noticed some really tense muscles in front of his shoulders so I worked on getting them to release. I think he enjoyed that.


  1. Oh that Bella, so pretty.

    LOL, at my age I would prefer a lazy horse. :)

  2. Those horses you can hop onto after a break without worry are a rare find. My Boy is that way. He's sat a lot since I had my son and we're finally blazing trails again!
