Friday, August 07, 2015


Moonlight & donkeys

 Elderberry picking with Blue:

Scout's first moonlight ride:

What do you think this might be?

First rodeo:

A lovely ride with family:

I made pickles!


  1. What do you do with the elderberries? The pickles look fantastic. Do they have to sit in the brine for a while, or are they ready to eat?

  2. I've been making elderberry syrup. It's really good on ice cream! I made a spiced version with raw honey, cinnamonc ginger and cloves, which is supposed to be a powerful antiviral (elderberry alone is also), and it is super good in a blueberry & kefir smoothie, but a little strong on its own. One day I'd like to make wine.

    I was told to wait a week to eat the pickles. I can hardly wait! I want to see if I like the recipe before I make more.

  3. I've been making elderberry syrup. It's really good on ice cream! I made a spiced version with raw honey, cinnamonc ginger and cloves, which is supposed to be a powerful antiviral (elderberry alone is also), and it is super good in a blueberry & kefir smoothie, but a little strong on its own. One day I'd like to make wine.

    I was told to wait a week to eat the pickles. I can hardly wait! I want to see if I like the recipe before I make more.
