Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I set the donkey saddle on Luc the other day. He didn't really love it, but he wasn't overly worried about it either. I won't cinch a saddle on for a while yet. I need to fix a couple of broken rails in my round pen first. I'll work on tightening a rope around his barrel for a while first, too. He thought that was offensive.  He's so funny. When he's unsure he gets just a little bit angry.

I found a new horse camping place recently. Definitely going there with horses soon!

We hiked almost 7 miles of the trails there, and it was really nice. Some lake views, huge train trestles, and not a soul around, although you could hear highway noise. There are a lot more trails there, and more across the highway. You could also go biking on a paved railroad grade, or swimming, boating, fishing, birdwatching. This is at Heyburn State Park just an hour from me. Pretty nice. And not on fire, which is saying a lot right now.

The trails I posted about last time are right next to a forest fire that's been burning for almost a week. No homes lost, but it's not done yet. There just isn't enough manpower and our fire is too small to get much attention right now. I think they've kept it at 1300 acres. My friend lives right near it, but luckily the wind has been blowing it away from her. She has livestock that would be very hard to move. I hope they get it out before the wind picks up tomorrow.

Speaking of livestock and fires, Bella's homeland is burning too. Over 20 wild horses died in the fire. I wish I could help save them. The BLM is planning an emergency gather, and will hold the horses and re-release them when it's safe. I guess that might be next spring, so they don't starve to death on the burnt land. 

I'm off today to help with dentistry on a posh horse ranch. It's always interesting to see how the other half live. :)


  1. The fire season seems especially bad this year. Last I heard, there are 16 major fires in California alone. One is practically in my backyard. It's 30,000+ acres and maybe thirty miles away. It is threatening a camp/conference center and the area has been evacuated.

    It will be interesting to see how Luc progresses. He seems like a funny fellow.

  2. The fires are so terrible. We feel for you here Downunder because we know how it can be. xxx
