Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Yesterday I had an unexpected lunch break at home, so I played with my horse.

He also tried on a fly mask and didn't even mind the Velcro sound. But Tonka's old fly mask was too big, so I'll have to get him a different one.

It isn't cloudy here, the white sky is smoke. It doesn't look too bad in the pictures, but it's pretty bad. At least there's no ash falling out of the sky here.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Love how playful and curious he is.

    Hope the fires stay far from you and that the smoke improves.

  2. Looks like a fun day. I heard the smoke is pretty bad down in Lewiston and Moscow today. It's not as bad up here today, but was horrible last Friday. Enjoyed reading about your coyote adventure this morning on Facebook. I'm glad he didn't get your cat!!

  3. From those pics, I think he is starting to chunk up a bit?

  4. The nearest fire is 100% contained but not out yet. I think most of the smoke is coming from farther away. It was bad again today.

    Linda, it wasn't even my cat! Well, maybe it is now, but I've never seen it before. Glad it didn't get eaten.

    Luc is definitely chunkier now. His retained baby teeth really set him back, but once they were out, and after a summer of green grass and special feed, he's a little chubby.

  5. The nearest fire is 100% contained but not out yet. I think most of the smoke is coming from farther away. It was bad again today.

    Linda, it wasn't even my cat! Well, maybe it is now, but I've never seen it before. Glad it didn't get eaten.

    Luc is definitely chunkier now. His retained baby teeth really set him back, but once they were out, and after a summer of green grass and special feed, he's a little chubby.

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