Monday, January 16, 2017

Donkey Day!

Juniper is coming home today! With no notice, really. I'd given up on it happening this week, and suddenly got a text late last night that today was the day. So I have some work to do this morning. I'd had everything set up for her, but over time the horses took over again. So I have to move the boys, make sure they have access to shelter (even though they won't use it) because a bunch of rain is coming, and fill their trough. Not too much work, except the snow is knee deep and the temp is below zero. I've gotten pretty used to the cold though.

It was only 10 degrees yesterday, but it was a beautiful day. I got Duncan out for the first time in months. I remembered how much I like him. :) We just walked around a bit.

He decided the untouched deep snow would be perfect for a roll.

My phone will only sometimes take pictures without shutting off, so it's really hard to get good pictures. Either I need a new phone or a camera.

These pheasant landings were too cool not to share:

Anyway, wish me luck getting my girl loaded and led home from the nearest safe parking spot. My driveway is still impassable, but luckily it's not too slick to walk on. 

I'm sure I'll have more to share later! :)


  1. How exciting! Yes, we're all adapting to the winter. If you can't beat it.. .figure out a way to have fun in it!!

  2. Those pheasant landings are cool indeed!
