Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Adventures of Juniper Jones!

She's home! It took some time to load her in the trailer. The step-up was really high, it was loaded up with shavings even higher, and it had just been used to haul pigs. She wasn't really freaked out about it, but she just couldn't take the leap to get in. So two people formed a human butt rope and shoved her in. Not ideal at all. But I have all the time in the world to work on trailer loading now.

Because of the ice and the hilly road, we had to park at my neighbor's and walk home. I wasn't sure how that would go. She hustled right on home! I wasn't dragging her, she was making me hurry. :) She has that forward, adventurous nature I was hoping for.

Above and below are the same picture. I love this phone app.

She's never been in electric fence before, so the first thing she did was duck under the temporary fence. Poor planning on my part. But I did put the safer horse in next to her just in case. The fence didn't shock her because her hair is so long. She and Bella had a few words, but that seemed to be all they needed and they got along fine after that.

I could tell Juniper was about to head out to the big pasture, way too close to Scout, who would hurt her if she somehow got in with him. Liam and I scrambled to make things more secure by adding a second strand to the temporary fence and the gate to the big pasture. She shocked herself once and now I don't think she'll do it again. She was very wary of the fence after that. 

 I love her! She's such a sweetie.

Staring at Winston:

She's not sure what to think of the dogs.

So I got a different story on her this time. Now they say she is the daughter of the 16 hand jennet who was also rescued. I had hoped she might be because they look so much alike. But at 12.2 hands at 2 1/2 years old, I'm not sure I believe it. Here's her (supposed) mom, Olive Oyl:

And there is the possibility that Juniper could be bred. I'm going to talk to a vet about that this week. I probably will just wait and watch. I'm not sure what the risks are with aborting a pregnancy, but it scares me more than having her give birth at a young age. 

Heck, I'm even scared to deworm her. Not sure what to use to make it safe, considering she's probably never been dewormed. Luckily I work with a bunch of good vets. :)


  1. Congratulations, miss Juniper is absolutely lovely!

    The safest way to deworm is to give her a dose of Safeguard first then follow with ivermectin two weeks later.

    I am very happy for both of you.

    1. Thanks! I just ordered both of those. I had the most frustrating time trying to figure it out. Everyone has different recommendations, but this was the answer I got from a couple different sources. I ordered some banamine too just in case.

  2. I understand your fear. I've always had a similar operating fear with Beautiful Girl. She is awfully cute! Congratulations on getting her home with all this snow!

    Also, I included you and piece of tack you made for me in my blog post today. :)

  3. How lovely she is! You must be so happy! Maybe now she is in a good home she'll start to grow and grow. I once had a rescue dog who did that. :D

  4. She is so cute! Here at the clinic, we recommend deworming with a half dose (usually pyrantel or safeguard) and following with a full doze of ivermectin 2-3 weeks later. That way, you kill some of the worms instead of all at once, which lessens the likelihood of a colic from too many dead worms trying to be passed through the gut.
