Tuesday, August 08, 2017

A Little Ride

I don't know why it's so hard to talk myself into going for a ride these days. It's the heat, mostly. But we left the house just after 6 in the evening and the temperature was bearable in the woods.

Just breathing that air once we get there is enough reason to go.

Life's little worries and irritations just melt away and I want to run away and never come back. Not really. But kind of.

Anyway, Scout was a trooper until we got closer and closer to a dead animal smell and wisely opted to turn back. He was nervous, which tells me there may have been something out there besides a rotting animal. How little we know with our puny human senses.

The rest of the ride was very relaxing except Scout kept stumbling right at the end. I'm not sure what that was about. I checked his hooves carefully and there didn't seem to be a problem there. Maybe he just wasn't paying attention to his feet.

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