Saturday, August 05, 2017


After my last post Juniper's bag has gone away. She had some behavior yesterday that had me a little worried that I was depending too much on her bag as a foaling indicator but she's fine and there's no baby. I'm back to wondering if she's pregnant at all. And I really wouldn't mind if she wasn't. But there's the fact that she's never been in heat and the positive pregnancy test. Of course, they look like they're not pregnant right before they foal because the baby moves up toward the exit. All I can do is be observant and be prepared.

My dad got a horse that is just the bomb diggity. Anyone could ride this kind, gentle soul. I think we'll borrow him quite a bit in the near future. Liam, who hasn't ridden in years, since we had Soxy, rode him with no problems.

Before my dad went home we took the horses for a ride in the mountains at sundown. It's too hot to ride during the day. It was fun. I'm glad they can see better than we can!

The next day I injured my neck and back pretty badly just washing my hair. Seems like every time I have a little fun I pay for it thanks to that inattentive driver.

Now it's too hot and too smoky to expect the horses to do much work anyway. Fire season is here and it's pretty bad again this year. The sun and the moon are red and everything is a little eerie.


  1. The fires are horrible. We're just trying to survive because it feels like we're in a war zone / oven.

  2. Thinking of you all up there with the fires. Some of our Aussie Firefighters went up to help.

    Those gentle old horses are worth their weight in gold. Don't know how anyone can bear to give them up, but glad your dad lucked out on this guy.

    Sorry about physical issues. It really really sucks that that guy walked away. The suffering should be his alone.
