Monday, November 27, 2017


Not much going on here in terms of action. The horses are happy & the donkey is the same.

Speaking of myself for one moment. I can't remember what I've written about, but I was able to try Botox injections for my headaches. It's working! I've had a cold and coughed myself up some headaches, but in general they're mild and not near as many. Even my tight neck and shoulders are happier. Now if only this cold would go away! It's been a week and a half now of coughing. But it is getting better.

Sawyer is still gaining weight well. He sure does love his food! I've committed to blanketing him over the winter once it really gets cold, to help him utilize his calories. It's still so warm I haven't really had to keep his blanket on much. I did ask for a heavyweight blanket for Christmas, for when it's really cold. Now we'll be all set. :)

The other day I ponied Duncan around a bit. I think that will be really good for him, having a rider above him and getting out and doing things. Sawyer thought it was great! He was ready to take off on an adventure with his buddy in tow. Duncan wasn't so ready to expand his horizons. We mainly stuck close and worked on obstacles and maneuvers to make sure we know what we're doing, and then did a little short journey out away from the comfort zone and back.

I've been doing a little hoof trimming without causing myself harm to my neck. I'm so excited to see if I can start doing more now that my muscles aren't in a riot all the time. Juniper still doesn't love having her hooves handled, but for treats she will stand for it. She's never bad but she makes it clear she'd like to leave.

I've had to trim Sawyer because we were in between farrier appointments and he needed it. He has such very soft hooves. I have him on a good hoof supplement, but of course they have to grow a new hoof before you see results. I tried my easyboots on him yesterday. He thought that was a little weird. The fit wasn't great. I think I need pads to put inside, for his comfort and to improve fit.

Well, that's about all the excitement around here. Not a lot, but it's enough. I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving, and I wish you all enough!

1 comment:

  1. No baby yet? What the heck?? Good for you ponying him around. That's always good for them!
