Monday, November 13, 2017

I take it back

The Juniper baby decided to make his or her presence known again last night, kicking up such a tempestuous storm it rocked the whole mama. I guess I've just been visiting at nap time lately.

I don't know if you've all heard of the old way of checking whether a baby is a boy or a girl by hanging a pendulum, usually a wedding ring on a string, over the pregnant belly, and seeing which way it swings. Straight line is a boy, circle is a girl. I've been convinced that it's a girl, but the pendulum (my Tonka ring) swung in a straight line. So... Well, considering this isn't science, we still don't know. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah. I hope it's not too cold when it decides to come on out. A little nervous about that...

    2. Yeah, that might be challenging. Let’s hope for a mild winter. 🙏🙏🙏
