Sunday, November 12, 2017


The weather has definitely changed on us, and the time has changed as well and my afternoons are dark.  Also, my headaches have been a lot worse. So my time is more limited. But such is the cycle of life! Spring will come again. The prospect of winter isn't bothering me much this year (so far). Maybe it was the long, beautiful autumn that made it easier to bear. Maybe it's the drugs. One of them is a lovely little anti depressant. :)

One thing that is bothering me is the prospect of having to give up my wonderful Duncan. He should go to someone who is going to train and ride him. Yes. But. Every time I actually spend time with him I fall in love with him all over again. I have no business riding a green horse though. Even so, I can't bring myself to advertise him.

He just makes me smile. He tries hard, but sometimes he would rather not, mostly in a cute way.  Like standing ground tied. I think he knows what I want but he'd rather follow me.

Sawyer is slowly gaining weight. He gets to see the dentist tomorrow. And it just so happens that Tonka's blanket fits him so I may decide to blanket him this winter. I did blanket him for several days through our first snowy cold snap and he didn't seem to mind too much.
(Shh, don't tell my husband, but I wonder if he might have Cushings. Look at his weak topline and big belly. He also drinks a lot, has a voracious appetite, and flat feet. I think I'm going to start him on chaste tree berry.)

He got a bloody nose yesterday when I took his donkey away for a walk. I'm not sure why. He wasn't running around but he was a little excited and whinnying a bit. I'll have the vet peek up there tomorrow.

Juniper is cute as a bug in a rug. Is that a saying? No. Well, anyway. She is a sweetie.
She sure doesn't look too pregnant does she? Today is the one year anniversary of the day I met her. No bag, no baby movement recently. I have no idea what's going on. But they have been known to go 14 months so I'll keep my eyes open for a while yet. And honestly, I hope she doesn't have a baby.

I wanted to get her to pose pretty in front of the tall yellow grass but a donkey will do what a donkey will do. She must get in the middle and eat it.

She looks a little different than she did a year ago:

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