Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Pneu NO nia

I've been sick for so long I finally went to the doctor.  I thought they'd tell me to go home, I have a cold. Not so.  I don't know what I have but it's not pneumonia. They gave me some treatments at the doctor, then I brought home $120 worth of prescriptions (after insurance paid their part) and a list of OTC stuff to take too. My lungs and sinuses and ears are full of shit and I'm not taking in enough oxygen. The doctor didn't give me a word for it and that drives me nuts. Is it bronchitis? I don't know.  Phlegmcrud sleepy-yuck, maybe.

BUT on the good side I will definitely not be contagious for Christmas so I can spend it with my sister, who has already started cancer treatment and can not be exposed to germs.  Happy dance for sister time!

No sign of baby donkey coming. She tells me no secrets, no matter how nicely I ask.


  1. That donkey has been pregnant forever. 😂 Glad you’re on the mend so you can see your sister!

    1. I know, it's redonkulous! I'm back to wondering if it's even real. Whatevs! She can do what she wants. It's what she's gonna do anyway!
