Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Poor Winston

He got a boo-boo. And of course it happened when our clinic wasn't open and my boss lady had a million appointments of her own to take care of. Luckily I know every vet in a 100 mile radius. Or so it sometimes seems anyway. :)

He was quietly cuddling with me on the couch and suddenly started frantically wiping eye boogers off his face and rubbing his eye. Weird place to have a crisis. He would not leave it alone so we had to cone him, poor guy. I couldn't see a puncture. So the way he wouldn't open his eye made me pretty sure there was something still in there even after I flushed it and put ointment in there, hoping it would float out.

The vet didn't find anything other than a slight abrasion on the cornea, probably from all the frantic rubbing he'd been doing. But I've had them not find anything before and had a grass seed float out days later, so I knew it could still be hiding. 

Yesterday at work Deb wiped an eye booger off his face with something small and hard in it and he was suddenly miraculously holding his eye open again and not trying to rub at his eye. Thank goodness! It can't stand when they're in pain and I can't help them. 

1 comment:

  1. There's always a reason for it! Glad it made its way out and he's better.
