Monday, March 05, 2018

Doing the Work

When we went to go for a walk yesterday Scout let John know that he hasn't been doing the work necessary to keep things going smoothly. He didn't want to be caught. Which sucks when you're walking around in crusty snow that keeps breaking through underfoot. 

So it fell to me to do the work. After I brought Sawyer in I went and caught Scout. I didn't chase him, I just stood there in an awkward spot where he had to crane his neck around to look at me. He was interested but still not making a move toward me so eventually I let him know I had treats. That worked. He's usually not hard for me to catch, but after failing to be caught by John he wasn't going to volunteer.

Scout looks terrible right now. No muscle and almost a hint of a rib. His holstein hips are really sticking out. I'm going to start paying better attention to him. Bella looks fine. It shouldn't be a deworming issue but I think I'll give him a different dewormer today and start him on Sawyer's high protein supplement (Nutrena Topline Balance).

I think Sawyer definitely hasn't been on a high-line before. The rope above him makes him nervous. This time it took him a long time to put his nose down and eat, even for his tasty pellets. Then when I asked him to walk under it to leave, it was a major leap of faith for him. He'll get the hang of it.

He was happy when his donkey came to visit.

Juniper got to stand tied to the trailer for a while before we went for a walk. She really, really needs to do that work! She squirrels around and leans on the halter and basically has a little passive aggressive fest. Nothing big like a horse might do, just not a happy camper.

We had a nice walk, a little shorter than the day before. I hurt my back walking in the crusty snow in the pasture. But aren't they just the cutest walking buddies?

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