Sunday, March 04, 2018

Sun Day!

Mostly the weather has been yucky, but we got lucky this weekend. Sunshine! 

These first pics are from a brief break in the clouds last weekend. It looks pretty but it was bitterly cold and breezy.

Just walking my ass in the snow:

Bella was being her beautiful, peaceful self.

Later I discovered that Juniper and Sawyer have reached a new point in their relationship. Mutual grooming. So sweet. Although I'm not sure how much benefit Sawyer gets when she grooms his blanket.

Yesterday I took both Juniper and Sawyer for a walk down the road. They did great. We had a couple cars pass us slowly and we met a new neighbor. He thought Juniper was a really big donkey. I guess she has gotten pretty big. They were both very well behaved and I think they enjoyed stretching their legs.

Afterward we practiced tying on the high-line. Juniper got tied to a tree branch just in case, since she's never done this before. And good thing too. She needs some patience training. She didn't throw a fit but she did move around a lot and test her boundaries.

My high line was a bit low. I need practice too. I don't think Sawyer has been tied on one. Or maybe he has. Either way, he did well.

Scout and Bella thought it was a nice outing. They don't get out much. (No pic of Bella.) His lead is too long here and the line is too low. I did fix both. Practice makes perfect.

A lot of my camping stress comes from horse management. After having Tonka die, although that wasn't a high-line accident, I don't really love horse camping. So more prep at home will hopefully help with that. I want to head for the hills for several days this summer and actually enjoy myself.

Today it looks like we'll have more good weather, so we'll do more of the same. Maybe a longer walk, and also a tai chi class later. I hope that may help my pain issues.

I couldn't resist posting this heart-shaped Blue:

Happy trails!

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