Sunday, September 16, 2018


My, how they have grown! I don't remember if I have posted since they started laying, but they are all girls.

Zorro here doesn't lay much, but she's still my favorite. I don't eat eggs, but I do expect them to entertain me with their cuteness and shenanigans. :)

Shadow apparently likes to really stretch out in the pool:

Zorro doesn't mind Shadow being a pool-hog.

All 3 do fit, but I do want to get a bigger pond one day.

Happy Zorro!

They are very loud when they want out in the morning, bet they didn't much like me pointing the camera at them.

"Let us out already!"

Happy wanderers. Amazing how much the blues blend in.

I have been having daily headaches, but managed one ride this week with Halla. She did splendidly. We saw a logger leaving for the day, then the big equipment still popping and settling, cooling down, and all the big piles of logs. She was on edge around it but did well. Each ride is better than the last.

Tomorrow I hope to be well enough to go for a nice long ride with some fall color. Wish me luck.

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