Monday, September 10, 2018


She finally has a name! Halla kept coming to me because it sounds so celebratory. But I thought I was making it up, and that made me a bit hesitant. But it turns out that it is a name, with only one "l." Hala means halo, specifically the halo of light around the moon. Halla in Spanish means "found," although of course the "ll" is pronounced differently. However you look at it, it is perfectly her name. "Hall" pronounced like hallway (not hat) followed by "uh."

We had another, better, trail ride. She crossed a BIG muddy puddle, a couple creeks, went up and down and led and followed. We saw very excited children, motorcycles, cars, and a distant 4 wheeler. It was a busy day in the woods!

She's so shiny.

We've been riding and playing at home too, of course. Having a grand time. She really likes her new little herd. Interestingly, the first time I took her away from her girls, once she realized I was taking her away, she started spooking. There was nothing to spook at. Hmm. Has she learned that gets her out of work? After two pretty decent size spooks that I ignored, she gave it up. Today I caught her and took her away several times. Each time it got easier. She also met the farrier and the brand inspector today.  She was perfect for the farrier but didn't pose very prettily for the brand inspector. Resting mare face. :/


  1. She is a very pretty girl and she is my favorite color too:) I like the new name and I think you will get along just fine. You always have a different horse when they move to a new home, I always say - begin as you mean to go on and you two are doing great.

    1. Thanks! I love her color too. So rich.

  2. She’s beautiful! I think she sounds pretty amazing on the trail. She sure looks healthy. Her new name is very pretty, too. You got a good one.

    1. She is doing better every time. She does have an amazing, healthy shine. I just love her!

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    She's gorgeous. just the sort of horse i'd like for myself. Quirks and all. :D Keechpeachy/Tina from west oz here. Having trouble commenting on blogs these days. Hopefully this gets through!

    1. It got through just fine! Good to hear from you! She is a good one, I think I'm pretty lucky to have her!
