Wednesday, September 05, 2018


 I decided, for the sake of her mental health, to end the quarantine period and let her be a horse. I think it was absolutely the right decision (as long as nobody gets deathly ill).

It was very peaceful. Juniper was overly gregarious and was told to back off, and the two older mares avoided each other. Bella was curious but aware that she needed to give her some space.

 These two got bored and came to check my treat status.

Juniper, as always, suggested a butt scratch.

I told her absolutely not from down here on the ground, and I like her pretty face better.

She of course had to try again, just in case.

Now this. This was super cool. I have a longer video but blogger is a pain in the butt with videos. She was lowering her head and really licking, relaxed, salivating a lot. I think she was letting loose the tension and stress she's been holding on to for days, a week, maybe longer as she's been going through some tough transitions in her life.
At the end when she looks away, I think Juniper was bugging her outside the frame, but she never did stop licking. I just kept on scratching her wither until she seemed like she was done needing it and I'd lost feeling in my fingers. :)

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