Thursday, March 21, 2019

All Good?

I'm not 100% convinced he's fine, but he's eating, drinking, and pooping a little bit. He doesn't seem painful. He still doesn't want his senior feed.

I went ahead and let him out of the stall because he just won't drink the water in there. That means I can't really count turds, but I can watch him closely.

His most recent oily poo

With how small his piles are, I worry that there's something partially blocking... I sure hope not. I'm a worrier.

We'll call this colic episode over unless otherwise noted. Let's hope we can just move on to another subject.

Like how cute Juniper is. She's so jealous of all the attention Sawyer is getting.

Oh, and Halla has an appointment to have her eyes checked at WSU next week. They're overly sensitive to light and the one just never stopped being a little runny.
But for now, I am going to get some sleep.


Snipe said...

Goodness, that's scary! I hope he's okay.

Linda said...

Colic is scary, and the whole to put them out or keep them in. Better to err on the side of out--more walking and grazing--nature's way.