We had a WONDERFUL ride today!
I think I forgot to mention that the last couple times I've ridden Tonka tried to bite my butt as I got on. He got in big trouble but that really got me thinking. When I'd look at his back after riding, it looked like the front of the saddle was too narrow.
Yesterday when I threw my other saddle up on Bella I tried it on Tonka as well. I wasn't too sure... But it wasn't so bad I knew it for sure didn't fit.
The view here looks pretty good to me.
Not so good here.
This is as far as I could get my fingers in without lifting the saddle.
Anyone have an opinion on this fit?So today I went to the arena to ride, trying out this saddle, and I had a different horse! He was much less resistant and pissy. I really, really prefer my other saddle, but this one is fine too. Just a different seat and higher back. Will take some getting used to. I think it's slightly less close-contact as well, but still not like I'm slung way up above his back. The other problem with this one is that I'm not supposed to dally any weight on it. I bought it when my only plan was trail riding, not dragging logs (or maybe someday calves?). It has a flexible tree so it's not made for that kind of work. So... Well, I don't have to get a new saddle right away, and that's a major plus.
Luckily the tack swap is coming up on Saturday, so I can hopefully sell the other saddle. I will miss it dearly. Sniff sniff snuffle. But I can use the money for riding lessons!
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