Monday, January 01, 2018

False Alarm

Maybe she had a belly ache.

I stalled her with a nice bed and checked on her every few hours even though by bedtime I was pretty sure nothing was happening. Can't be too careful when it's cold. It was in the low 20s with a cutting damp breeze. Yuck.

I'm starting to think maybe it would he worth my while to run that pregnancy test again. If she did slip the foal I could just move on with my life. And if she didn't, I could be more careful. Or maybe she'll give us a baby today and I can stop wondering. ;)

Happy New Year!


Linda said...

I’d do the pregnancy test. Or, just wait it out. If enough times passes, that will answer the question.

Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

Turns out the test isn't very accurate right at the end of pregnancy anyway. A positive result would be real but a negative result could be wrong. I'm so sick I don't think I'll get a blood sample tomorrow, and they won't run another test for 2 weeks after that. We'll see...