Saturday, May 24, 2008

What a day it's been already, and it's only half over!

I took Angus to the vet, where they LOVED him, and of course tortured him. He only weighs 105 pounds now. I think we have him at a healthy weight. The vet didn't say he was too fat and I forgot to ask. He doesn't have ear mites but he does have a yeast infection in his ears. So we have meds for that and they cleaned his ears and he shook and shot nasty black ear gunk all over. It's his shoulder that is injured. He didn't cry but he didn't want them to extend it forward. We have anti-inflammatories for him and hopefully the problem will go away. Apparently it's a hard area to x-ray. I hope he just sprained something. Poor guy, the periodic yelping out of nowhere was really sad! He also got his rabies shot and the other shot dogs are supposed to have. Distemper/parvo maybe?

Then I got home and changed and went to trim hooves. I chose Mack first because he was just standing there staring at me, waiting for me to love him. He's such a people-person. He really needed a trim! He was really long and getting cracks on his toes in front. John came out about midway through and hung with us.

Then it was Bella's turn. My oh my. Mack ran her off, which set them all off, and they decided running was better than being caught. Finally I caught Mack, moved him to a neighboring pasture. I caught Tonka after he finally got too hot to play the game anymore. Then Bella took a bit longer. She was all worked up and worried now. I'm sure she thought I was this horrible monster chasing them, when in reality I was giving them every opportunity to stop and be caught. She was a very good girl for her trim. I only did the fronts, because by now I was HOT. Then while John held her I did Scout's fronts. His first itty-bitty trim! Kind of daunting, knowing how critical a balanced trim is at his age. He was great on his left side but kind of a pill for the right. Wasn't too hard though, especially considering he wasn't restrained in any way. Just kept wiggling his little foot.

Now they're resting and I'm resting and it looks like I wasted our good riding time on trimming. It was beautifully sunny and warm. Now it's getting BLACK out there and the wind is blowing pretty good. But they needed a trim. If we'd ridden Mack on those long hooves we might have had a crack problem I couldn't fix in just one trim.

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