Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Buster Goes to the Dentist

This guy. He's the best. He wasn't worried much about anything.

Look at him stepping on that ramp like it ain't no thing.

He loaded right up and we got to work. No trouble at all. Except the wolf teeth.

He had four of them. The bottom two were tiny and barely rooted, thank goodness. The top two were really awkward and pointed forward and sideways. Would have been uncomfortable with the bit. They were really pointy too. They had to come out, and it was hard work. Like pulling teeth.

Scout went too and was a bit of a booger. He has too much energy and a busy mind... Unlike Buster his points weren't very sharp since he had his teeth done a year ago, but also unlike Buster he has very little room in his mouth so even with just moderately sharp teeth his cheeks were abraded. Not ulcerated yet though.

Sarah, my dentist vet, fell in love with Buster. :) Love that. He is an impressive critter. Such a good boy.

1 comment:

Snipe said...

Buster is a real champ. I've really been enjoying hearing about him.