Friday, May 09, 2008

So here's the scoop. Scout is pretty much blind in that eye, and it is very unlikely to heal. She said it could happen since he's so young and the damage is somewhat close to the blood supply, but it probably won't. I don't know if he sees at all, it's possible he has some peripheral vision since most of the damage is in the center of the eye. There's nothing more to do, just watch for complications. The eye could start to shrink and eventually need to be removed. He could get a cataract but it shouldn't bother him. So that's it...

Poor kid, they did all kinds of mean things to him today. Poking and prodding and gooing and squirting. They blindfolded the good eye before they sedated him, then turned him loose in the hallway. He followed Bella just fine until she stopped walking. He couldn't hear her and wasn't in physical contact with her so he freaked out. Couldn't see her.

But he's done with all that now! No more vets. Well, at least until he's gelded toward the end of the month. I hope THAT goes smoothly!


Anonymous said...

sorry about your bebeh. that's tough. when it first happened i thought it would be okay because after all, don't the mustangs roughhouse in the wild?

Pony Girl said...

Poor baby! It sounds like he handled the eye check well. Sorry to hear that it might not heal, but it sounds like Scout will rally and be just fine!!

Kathy C said...

Hi, I've been reading along on your journey with Scout.

I'm sorry he lost his site, but I'm sure he will be just fine. Hopefully it won't shrink and have to be removed. Poor dear.

We had a one eyed horse for awhile, and while it made it difficult to handle him at first, once everyone understood not ot approach him on the blind side without talking, it was fine.